From hand-written 4x6 paper note cards and breeding wheels to cowside data entry and real-time performance alerts, dairy farm technology has come a long way
Calf morbidity and mortality continue to be a challenge for dairy producers. A 2014 National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) survey found that calf mortality averaged around 8% while morbidity...
Hurricane Helene, one of the worst hurricanes I have been alive for, recently ripped into an area that doesn’t normally see that kind of horrific storms
To better highlight World Dairy Expo’s breed champions and speed up the selection of the week’s Supreme Champions, for the first time this year, the show is hosting two Supreme Champion ceremonies
Joan Seidel of Fleetwood, Pa., was presented the 33rd Klussendorf-MacKenzie Award on Thursday at World Dairy Expo in memory of Duncan MacKenzie, the 1961 Klussendorf winner
Tom Cull of Lomira, Wis., was presented the 82nd Klussendorf Award, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States, on Thursday of the 57th World Dairy Expo
A few hundred entries were analyzed this year as farmers across the world vied for a spot in the 2024 World Forage Superbowl. Samples were sent to Dairyland Labs in De Pere, Wis
World Dairy Expo brings together dairy enthusiasts of all ages, roles, and locations to learn, share, and compete. There are also a number of special events and group gatherings that occur during the week...
For the first time since 2011, the National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest was won by the team from New York. This is the Empire State’s seventh team title in the contest’s history
The International Junior Holstein show kicked off World Dairy Expo’s dairy cattle shows on Sunday, with Mandi Bue of Freedom, Wis., serving as the judge with associate John Erbsen of Lanark, Ill